
Addiction Counselling

Addiction is a very complex and specialised area

Alan has enormous experience in this field from his time working with Saoirse Treatment Centre Limerick and Merchants Quays Homelessness/Addiction services Ireland. He has spent years working with people on the frontline as a counsellor, gaining in-depth knowledge and a holistic understanding of addiction.


Addiction has a multitude of different treatment approaches that range from harm reduction to complete abstinences. All addictions, however, have the same fundamental mechanics that operate on cycles  (Cycle of Addiction) no matter what an individual is addicted too. 

Psycho education is a tool that helps individuals and groups to learn and understand how the cycle of addiction works. This learning is about gaining knowledge of the patterns, behaviours and consequences caused by addiction. Additionally, goals setting and planning are an integrative part of the treatment process. 

Addiction work can be very challenging and the internal damage to the sufferer both psychically and mentally can be profound. This aspect of the treatment will always be at the heart of the process.

All Clients will be provided with the environment for change. A relationship based on Trust, Respect and Confidentially will be the cornerstone of the counselling process.

Message from Alan

The good news is that the Cycle of Addiction can be broken. Additional not only can the cycle be broken but the Personal Growth from this work can be life changing resulting in a powerful sense of Freedom.  I have had the pleasure and honour to witness this on numerous occasions. I am very confident with my approach and skills, however I will say that addiction work can be very challenging and an honest ambition is required.

Finding the right counsellor is the choice of the individual and my first session is always free of charge. This is solely for matching purposes. Each session is a scheduled 1 hour. Hopefully establish within this session will be a brief outline of goals. Also explained and discussed will be process of therapy. And finally if agreed a joint arrangement to continue the work together will be contracted.